Blender Deals Discounts and Reviews

  • Make soup faster! only $59 for a multi functional electric soup and smoothie maker. cook and blend in one appliance.

    Plus you can make smoothies, cook eggs, puree sauces and more in one handy machine. valued at $229 enjoy delicious soups, sauces and smoothies in a flash! make your own healthy, nutritious soups without the preservatives and artificial ingredients found in canned and packet soups perfect as a gift. . .

    $229 74% off $59
    Deal provided by Livingsocial
  • Multi-Functional Smoothie & Soup Maker, Delivered

    Have a Meal Ready in Under 25 Minutes with a Multi-Functional Smoothie and Soup Maker, Delivered

    $229 74% off $59
    Deal provided by Livingsocial
  • Multi-Functional Smoothie and Soup Maker

    Have a Meal Ready in Under 25 Minutes with a Multi-Functional Smoothie and Soup Maker

    $229 74% off $59
    Deal provided by Livingsocial