Discount for Warhammer Games from SteamPowered (Dark Angel-$1.87)

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75%OFF Warhammer Games from Steam Powered Deals and Coupons

In Steam Powered, a weekend sale is going on with Warhammer games having a 75./. discount for all Warhammer 40,000 games. The games include Warhammer 40k: Space Marine for $12.49, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II: Dark Angels Pack for only $1.89, Dawn of War II complete pack that contain three different packs that include the Retribution, Chaos Rising, Dawn of War for $24.44, the Dawn of War Gold Edition for $7.49, Death Korps of Krieg Skin Pack for $1.87, Captain Wargear DLC for $0.74, Chaos Sorcerer Wargear for $0.74, Hive Tyrant Wargear DLC for $0.74, and many, many more games.

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