Deal on Victoria Herald Sun Uni for $20 at Secure

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50%OFF Victoria Herald Sun uni  Deals and Coupons

Get informed about the latest world and local news. latest trends in fashion, sports and entertainment with a subscription delivery to the Herald Sun with this offer of $20 for a 52 week subscription! The subscription is valid for 40 weeks during the 2009 academic year, from 23/02/2009 to 29/11/2009 and home delivery of the Herald Sun for 12 weeks during the summer holidays from 30/11/2009 to 21/02/2010. If you are a new user you will be provided with a user ID, or if you are an existing user and want to renew your subscription log in as existing user or just call 1800 680 640. You will get a redemption card which is necessary for you to collect the newspaper.

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