Calvin Klein, Giordano, Sportsgirl, 50% OFF at Melbourne Central

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50%OFF various items Deals and Coupons

Been window shopping at Melbourne Central Shopping the other day. They have this shopping festival, where stores are participating. The price offs are just great, and I suggest if you're just within the area, it wouldn't be bad at all to check out the deals. Some of the stores I went into, like Giordano, offers 50% OFF all items. Calvin Klein offers 40% OFF. Lush Cosmetics lets you sample their products FREE. It's 505 Off at Sportsgirl. Should you go hungry, Mad Mex has a BOTOF promo, free meal and drink for evry one order of the same. There's a lot of stores offering discounts, but these are the only ones I remember. Just visit the shopping center for more.

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