Book Two-Way Tickets for Just $1371 at Singapore Airlines!

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9%OFF Singapore Airline's Two-Way Tickets Deals and Coupons

Want to fly to Europe and back affordably and conveniently? Singapore Airlines saves you the hassle of booking for return flights, so save yourself precious time and money on this deal; avoid those long queues and return home conveniently and affordably. With a two-way flight ticket to Europe, you don't have to worry about returning home and about extra costs such as taxes, surchages, credit card service fees, and other associated fees. The tickets usually go for more than $1500 plus extra fees, but this deal caters for all that. So, why look elsewhere now, knowing that you can save yourself more than 9% of the normal fees. Flight tickets are available for London, Barcelona, Frankfurt, Milan, and Paris from Sydney. You just need to book before 17 April 2009.

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