Book in Any Selected Australia Accor Hotels to Get 40% Savings

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40%OFF Selected Accor Hotels AUS booking Deals and Coupons

You can now celebrate your birthday or anniversary and other occasions at Accor Hotels in Australia. Though, the promo is for selected branches of their hotels. You can save 40% on your bookings! You just make sure to complete the transaction within 48 hours. Otherwise, you won't be able to take advantage of this offer. The deal expires on March 14, 2014, Friday at exactly 12PM AEDT. You can stay with them from April 1 to May 1,2014 and it's subject to availability of each participating hotel by region. You can check the other terms and conditions on their website or directly call them. You will love their dishes as well as the ambiance of their hotel and hospitality of the staffs. All of these, you can experience at affordable price in just a click away.

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