49% discount movie tickets for RACV members!

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49%OFF RACV members movie tickets Deals and Coupons

For all RACV members, don't miss this once - in - a - lifetime opportunity. RACV is offering a great discount when pre - order movie tickets from RACV in Hoyts & Village Cinemas. This can help you save a bunch of money right? Just go to these RACV shops, including Ballarat, Bendigo, Chadstone, Doncaster, Fountain Gat,e Frankston, Geelong, Highpoint, Knox, Melbourne, Noble Park, Northland, Ringwood, Southland Sale, Shepparton, Traralgon, Warrnambool, Watergardens and Wodonga; then show them your RACV membership card and you're good to go. There are lots of ticket choices and the opportunity to purchase online coming soon. For more details, visit http://www.racv.com.au/wps/wcm/connect/5c98f445-5490-4a9f-aba0-fd62daa60a57/RAC15106+Movie+ticket+A4+PRINT+-+All+shops_NOT+Sale_Ballarat.pdf?CACHEID=5c98f445-5490-4a9f-aba0-fd62daa60a57&MOD=AJPERES.

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