Get Personalized Greeting Cards for only $2.95

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50%OFF Personalized Greeting Card Deals and Coupons

Mother's Day is right around the corner. It's the best day to thank our moms for being so wonderful and loving all the time. No time to prepare or look for the perfect Mother's Day gift for the most important woman in your life? You don't have to worry. You can still make your mom feel more special by giving her a personalized greeting card. Cardle it offers a big discount on personalized cards. You can now purchase them for only $2.95. Each card also comes with free postage! You can save up to $3.60 per card. Use the coupon MD2014oz to avail the discount. Make sure to place your orders before 9am on the 7th of May. You can visit Cardle It's official website for more information.

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