Bargains from Kitchen Direct Sale; $6.95 on M&W Microstoven

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50%OFF M&W Microstoven Deals and Coupons

Get this M&W Microstoven for a bargain of $6.95. M&W Microstoven Round Casserole $34.95 M&W Microstoven Rectangular Baker 32x22.5cm $19.95 M&W Microstoven Square Baker 27cmx27cm $19.95 Global Knives are also on sale, but they are elsewhere as well (e.g. WA Hospital Supply has the Ikasu set for $279 but the block isn't as nice IMO) Global Takashi Knife Block set - $279 Maxwell & Williams Hot & Cold Jug in funky colours (love the purple) $9.95 Chasseur Coffee Round French Oven 24cm - 3.8L $105 Chasseur Aubergine Round French Oven 24cm - 3.8L $119 (much prettier than the coffee coloured one - I bought this myself Lots of other Chasseur on special too, but Coffee/Aubergine/Bora-bora colours seem to be the cheapest. Go directly to make a purchase and join their rewards program.

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