FREE Knots 3D & File Manager, $0.99 MoneyWiz, $1.99 Waking Mars

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50%OFF Knots 3D, File Manager, MoneyWiz, Waking Mars Deals and Coupons

Get Knots 3D, File Manager, ITV Shows 2, and G.U.I.T.A.R.+ FREE at the iTunes App Store! Knots 3D (orig. $1.99) shows knots in amazing detail. Use your screen to tie and untie the knot or watch it tie itself! File manager with Folder plus (orig. $5.49) gives you the ultimate file management and in-app multitasking capacity! ITV Shows 2 (orig. $2.99 and now FREE) lets you watch your favorite ITV shows on your smartphone! G.U.I.T.A.R.+ (orig. $2.99 and now FREE) is an app that lets you listen to sound samples and helps you fine tune your guitar playing skills. MoneyWiz (orig. $5.99) is a great finance-management app for ONLY $0.99! Keep track of your expenditures and income on the most portable platform ever. Waking Mars (orig. $5.49) is now ONLY $1.99! Immerse yourself in addictive gameplay as you try to master and conquer to alien ecosystems in Mars to survive.

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