Butternut Pumpkin and Garlic Farmwide Sale

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50%OFF Fresh Baby Butternut pumpkin Deals and Coupons

Hurry up and stock up on your Fresh Baby Butternut Pumpkin as it is currently on sale at an amazing price of only $2.80 per kilogram. Special price of $14 for a 5 kilo pack with delivery right in front of your doorsteps. What are you waiting for? Other offers include $35 for 1kg Garlic plus 4kg Butternut, and a $12 Savings on The Farmer and the Chef - Murray @ Farmhouse Direct. We do the packing on Mondays and Tuesday for total comfort on your part. Like to know more of our other deals? Visit us at http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?id=78fb822444&u=c43f261d843b4e440b011ca02 and be informed.

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