Free ebook - Definitive Guide to Overcoming Proscastination

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Procrastination, including perfectionism and writer's block are among the major causes of unproductivity. These habits are rooted in scarcity and fear. The ebook; The Seven Secrets of the Prolific teaches you how to conquer these fears and become a productive individual. The solutions are: 1. Identify and Overcome Perfectionism 2. Abundantly Resource Yourself 3. Manage Your Time 4. Optimize Your Writing Process 5. Understand and Claim Your Identity as a Writer 6. Cultivate Resilience in the Face of Rejection and Harsh Criticism, and 7. Create a Liberated Career These are the 7 Secrets of the Prolific! And whether you write fiction or nonfiction, or poetry, screenplays or something else - or whether you write for business or school - those secrets will help you speed your output, lower your stress, and bring you joy and fulfillment. The 7 Secrets of the Prolific is published without DRM so that you may enjoy it on any device for free!

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