Morelife Detox Kit for only $54.50

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50%OFF Detox Kit Deals and Coupons

Save $18.35 when you buy a Morelife Detox Kit for only $54.50. Experience the benefits of liver detoxification. This involves eating well, reducing negative lifestyle habits and taking specific nutrients to aid your body’s cleansing ability. When carried out for a minimum of one to two weeks, a liver detox can rejuvenate your entire system, allowing you to enjoy more out of life! This Detox Kit Contains: 1 x 300g Liv’a Detox Powder, 1 x 150gm Chia Seeds, 1 x Dande Detox Teabagd 25's, 1 x Morlife Shaker, 1 x Measuring Scoop. As a general rule most people benefit from doing a detox once or twice a year for one to two weeks duration. Depending on your lifestyle and diet, you could detox more or less often.

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