ClickFrenzyNexus7 Tablet 16GB for Only $199 (Delivered) @BingLee

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50%OFF Click Frenzy Special Nexus 7 Tablet 16GB Deals and Coupons

Looking for that special something to give to your mother this coming Mother's Day? Why not a spectacular gadget that she would surely love for a long time? Introducing BingLee's Big Sale on Click Frenzy Special Nexus 7 Tablet 16GB at the rock bottom price of only $199, with totally free shipping to boot. She'll surely enjoy this beast of a tablet that boast of several top of the line features such as its scratch resistant CorningĀ® glass front, quad-core cpu's, Longer uptime, and high resolution graphics among other things. We promise you that she'll hug you after you give this nice tablet to her on that day, or your money back!

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