Great Deal by Videopro: Canon DSLR Portrait Pack only at $126.50

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50%OFF Canon - DSLR Portrait Pack Deals and Coupons

VideoPro offers a great deal for the Portrait Photographers. They have brought a special price for the Canon - DSLR Portrait Pack. They have offered $126.50 for this device. This price is much cheaper than the other devices like TGG $179, JB Hi-Fi $179, Binglee $149. The product is specified by the following features: *The lens is very fast which is great for low light. *The lens has very lightweight which can be easily carried outside. *This device has the ability to isolate the subject with shallow depth of field. *A remote is included to eliminate the shaking of the camera while using a tripod. The list of accessories included are: *Canon 50mm F/1.8 Prime Lens *Front and back Lens Cap *Canon RC6 Remote Control *Cleaning Cloth

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