I paid just $40 for Batman Game-BluRay Bundle from The Hut

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50%OFF Batman: Arkham City and The Dark Knight/Batman Begins Blu-Ray Bundle Deals and Coupons

I bought this bundle last week and the package came today yesterday just in time for my son's birthday today. He declared me as best mom in the world after seeing the new Batman game AND two Batman movies to start his collection with. He is a HUGE Batman fan and he has been pestering me to buy the Batman game but the cheapest I gound was the one on GameCafe that was already around the same price as this bundle. Add to that the Blu-Ray copies of two movies and I would say that I really lucked out on this deal. This is for the PC version of the game so if you want a copy for whatever gaming console you have, check out if they have deals for those because I can't say anything about those.

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