12 Game Bundle - $2.99 at at Lazyguysbundle.com

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50%OFF 12 Steam games Deals and Coupons

If you can find 1 or two games that you really want to play from among the list, then this deal is already a jackpot for you. 12 games in bundle from Lazy Guys Bundle for only $2.99. "How low can you go?" Here's the list: Biglands; The ingenious machine; Dreaming Sarah; Yelaxot; Cubot; The interview; Gunworld; David; One snack please; Bernie needs love and Spellbind. Now in my case, I love playing One Snack Please and Spellbind, so I got 2 beautiful games I love for $2.99, and 10 more games FREE. I'm hoping I can find at least 2 more from the 10.

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