Spend $38 for 1.1TB Usenet! Brought to you by NewsgroupDirect!

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50%OFF 1.1 Terabyte of Usenet Deals and Coupons

News Group Direct heard your clamor and is bringing back their Terabyte Tuesday Offer! Take advantage of their twice-in-a-lifetime deal (the first one was sometime earlier this year) which will only be between 3 pm today 12/02/13 AEDST and 3 pm tomorrow AEDST! Get 1.1 TB of Usenet at a cheap price of $38! You don't even have to worry because it doesn't expire until you totally use it up! Retain 50 SSL-Encrypted Connection!. Activate it instantly and get block usenet and the best features of News Group Direct! The deal will be gone before you know it so don't waste your second chance! Take this offer now!

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