Bonus $10 Gift Card with $100 Gift Card Purchase

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50%OFF $10 Gift Card  Deals and Coupons

A slew of discounts available in this Click Frenzy online sales event brought to you by Westfield. Right now you can get a 15% discount on any item in the store at Fruit Only. Just include the code FRUITFRENZY when checking out. Checkout any item at Peeptoe and include the PEEPFRENZY code to get 20% off. Shop at Urban Originals, Status Accessories, and Wanted Shoes and get 20% of any item. Get a 20% discount off any product at Gorman by including the code GORFRENZY. And more. Purchase a $100 gift card and get an additional $10 gift card free from Westfield Gift Cards. The event starts on Tuesday, November 20th at 7:00pm and runs for a single day.

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