Get 1 Year Free Movie Vouchers from CommBank (Value of $432)

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50%OFF 1 Year Free Movie Vouchers Deals and Coupons

This is a deal I saw on CommBank's Facebook page and I thought I should share. All you have to do is visit a branch, check in via Facebook locations during branch hours on your phone, press "Check in to claim", and show the screen within 3 hours to the branch staff before opening a new Everyday Account. Then make a purchase with your new Debit MasterCard® or Keycard either overseas, online or in store within 30 days, this way you can get an Events cinema double movie voucher every month for 12 months. You still have to keep your account active for the entire period. The offer is valued at about $432 and it's available for the first 2,200 people who claim this deal in branch and open an account while there. Enjoy!

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