Leisure Learning deals, discounts and reviews

  • From $19 for a choice of kids' learning and activity games (don't pay up to $38)

    Combining fun with teaching, these activity games promote childrens reasoning and research skills, andboost reading comprehension

    $30 37% off $19
    Deal provided by Groupon
  • Make your grey-matter heaps smarterer with a brain-busting Addictaball 3D maze for $19! Join the craze sweeping the UK and save 53%! And it's all delivered too!

    Kill boredom with a brain busting Addictaball 3D maze game, delivered, for only $19! This is classic labyrinth fun for a new generation Join the craze sweeping the UK! You can get it delivered to your door at no extra cost It comes packed with 138 stages, plus it's...

    $40 53% off $19
    Deal provided by Stardeals