With Just $70, Book One-way Flights to Penang From Perth!

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50%OFF One-way Flights to Either Penang or Kuching From Perth  Deals and Coupons

Do you consider spending some time in either Kuching or Penang for a temporary leave from work? Why not fly affordably with Tiger Airways? With just $70, book a flight ticket to either of these destinations and automatically enjoy a good deal. And, if you're in Perth, you'll save a lot of money. If you're not, you'll need to get there first, so that you can connect to these destinations. Why use a more expensive route? However, it's a one-way flight; therefore, you've have to book for a return ticket as well as incur other extra cost, including taxes. It may not exactly be the best deal, but it's probably worth it if you're considering traveling there now.

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