Deal on Flight from Gold Coast or Perth to Kuala Lumpur @ $199

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50%OFF Flights to Kuala Lumpur Deals and Coupons

Good news for frequent flyers! Any deal that reduces the price of a flight is awesome. You can get on a one way flight from the Gold Coast or Perth to Kuala Lumpur for just $199. The price includes taxes and surcharges, so it really is a bargain price. These are the routes: fro/to Perth 1Feb - 30Apr at $199 one way, or $359 return, fro/to Gold Coast 15 July - 13 Nov at $199 one way, or $369 return. You can also find $17 one way flights from Kuala Lumpur. These are some examples: from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bharu, Kuala Terengganu & others. The fare does not include : checked-in luggage ($7 for 15 KG, $20 for 20kg, or $35 for 25kg), meals ($7), choice of seats ($7), and comfort kit ($7). The price doesn't include: checked-in luggage, meals, choice of seats or the comfort kit.

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